Saturday, October 4, 2008

Tyler's new interest

Tyler came home from school very excited one day and announced that he wanted to join the orchestra. I won't lie, I was a little socked at first, but excited that he is branching out and doing something besides sports (not that sports are bad, just good to have a little variety) He picked the Cello to play. This is a program offered to 6th graders to prepare them for Jr. High. They meet on Monday's during school and then on Friday's before school. He is using one of the schools instruments and brought it home Friday. I felt kind of bad that he had to walk all the way home with it because I had 2 little daycare kids that day and couldn't leave to pick him up. It has been fun to see him play it (mainly making noise with it) and it will be fun to see him learn over the next year.


Jeanne_2008 said...

Tyler--That is way cool. I am so happy you are doing something musical. I love it!!

wendy said...

WOW - Tyler playing the cello----again, cool to try different things. I am proud of his willingness to branch out and see what the world has to offer - - what a stud