Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Big News!!!

Our Heavenly Father has decided to send us another little spirit to raise. Yes, I am pregnant!! It came as a shock at first, but we soon became very excited. The day I found out, Troy and I decided that we both needed a priesthood blessing so we invited Troy's dad up for a visit. We knew that we would need to announce why he was giving us a blessing and the kids would also be there so I very strategically took a picture of my belly (That task was harder than I thought it would be by myself), developed the picture and waited for the big moment. Troy showed Tyler and Brieanna the photo and asked what it was, they did not catch on as quickly as I would have though, but with some coaxing, they figured it out and tears soon came to Tyler's eyes and they could not repress their excitement.

For about a month after the announcement, Tyler prayed for a boy in each prayer that he uttered and Brieanna a girl. After I explained that the sex of the baby was long decided those pleas were not as often and they turned into hoping that the baby is healthy.

There will be 10 years between Brieanna and this little one and I sometimes think of the things that I have to start all over doing, but I can't express the joy that I have to have another little one in our lives. Tyler and Brieanna are going to be such big helps and babysitters when that time comes. Oh! the due date is October 3rd. I am hoping that I make it close to that date, but with my track record, it may be sometime in September. We will wait and see.


Bonnie said...

I am excited too! This will be my 11th grandbaby! Yea!! :) Brieanna and Tyler, you better wait a loonnggge time before you make me a great grandmother.

Jeanne_2008 said...

lol. I just can't imagine you as a great grandmother. That would make Caryn a grandmother. Let's not even start talking about things like that!!!

I love you Caryn and I am sooooo excited that we are going to have children the same age. Its crazy that you, me, Bryan and Laura will all have a baby within a year and a half of eachother.
Love you!!

cally said...

Oh, Caryn. I am so excited for you. I hope this pregnancy goes well, and you feel good.

I'm excited for your blog, too!


Becky said...

I love all the kids in this family so much! Honestly, they make the family get togethers worthwhile. I'm excited for another beautiful addition! Take really good care of yourself!