Friday, August 1, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Tomorrow is the big day! My heart rate has increased just thinking about it. I am SO excited! (am I going crazy or what) I have pre-ordered this book and should arrive tomorrow in the mail. If you see me crying you will know that I did not get it and I have to wait till Monday. I have already warned my family to not expect ANYTHING from me once I get it. No cooking, cleaning, talking, nothing :) We are even going camping tonight and I told Troy that I have to be home by 3:00 to get the mail. :)

For those of you who have not read the rest of these books, you have to start now, if you are like me and half of America, you will love them. I will let you know how it is in a few days.


MoMmY k:-) said...

yeah, well, this is how you do wait to read them till they are all out that way you dont have to WAIT! I just started book 2, this way I wont be freaking out because I cant read the rest:-) Unless there are more in the that will just cut down on my freaking out!

Becky said...

I'm excited for Breaking Dawn--just have to wait for someone else to finish it so I can borrow. School's eaten up the book budget!