Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Weekend 2009

We had planned to go to Yellowstone for quite some time, but plans always seem to change at the last minute and we decided to go camping with Troy’s dad and Willa at Echo. Our goal was to camp up there Friday, Saturday and come home Sunday, but that changed as well. We got up there Friday and set up the tent and got all set for some great fun. It was very relaxing just with nothing to worry about. Willa, Brieanna, Kynleigh and I walked around the park, went down to the lake and watched some of the fishers. Jasper went with us and loved every minute of it. (Even when she ran out of the camper and played chase with Brieanna and I. (I was not loving her at that point :) )

Kynleigh playing on the floor with Willa's toys

Kynleigh's improvised bath, she loved it.
It was pretty windy that night and we didn’t even think about Brieanna being afraid of the wind until about midnight when she woke up and was terrified. So in she went to the trailer to sleep on the couch. When I got back to the tent, sap all over my feet, Kynleigh was starting to cry as well. I don’t blame her for waking up as it sounded like a hurricane in our tent. So I rocked her in my arms and tried to lay her back down several times. After about an hour of doing that I decided to join Brieanna in the trailer. I threw the blanket down on the floor for Kynleigh, fed her a little to calm her down so she did not wake the entire camp grounds and then I tried to sleep on the floor without much luck. Needless to say that morning could not come too soon and I was looking forward to my own bed that night. Troy on the other hand took Tylenol PM before he went to bed, so he slept like a baby till about 9:00 the next morning. (As much as he could with Tyler in his ribs the whole night)

Sleeping arrangements!

The camp served breakfast at 10:00 which we were at the end of the line so we just got waffles and sausage. It was still good and was fun to sit and listen to Rick the camp manager sing and play his guitar. Tyler and Grandpa went out 4 wheeling that morning before breakfast and by the look of the jeep they had fun.
Another reason we decided to go to Echo was that Tyler had a birthday party on Saturday where he got to go indoor skydiving so we brought him home on Saturday to go to his party and Troy and I did a little yard work and took some nice hot showers. Tyler had a blast and we headed back up the mountain. Grandpa cooked ribs all day and I believe that was Brieanna’s highlight of the trip. She is one big rib eater and I am not sure that anyone would believe me unless you saw her eat them. She is also not afraid to get down and dirty eating them. I just wish I would have thought to take a picture of all the rib bones she ate.

We took the tent down and headed home so that we could all get a good night sleep. Headed back up there Sunday morning and played phase 10 with Trent and Becky then we decided to drive into Park City. We ate lunch at Park City Pizza and Pasta and then walked around and window shopped. It was a lot of fun we enjoyed the beautiful scenery
Before we left to come home, we went back to the camp and visited for a while and played horseshoes (the girls won, not with my help though).

Park City Fun!

Monday we got up and did some more yard work. My goal was to pull out a dead bush in the corner of the yard and then cut down our sad little pine tree. All last year Troy kept saying that it was going to come back, not to worry, but finally we had to face reality and accept that it was dead to the bone.

Kynleigh standing up!

Our next goal for the long weekend was to go and see a movie. Brieanna has wanted to see 17 Again for a long time so we pulled it up on Fandango and headed down to the Gateway in Salt Lake. When we arrived to buy the tickets we were informed that Fandango was wrong, they did not have the movie we wanted and no one could agree on any other movie so we had lunch, walked around and then headed back to Layton where it was showing as well. We were hoping to get the 3:00 show. It wasn’t showing till 7:15 that night, so we ended up going to blockbuster and renting a couple of movies to watch. We had a great weekend even with a few mishaps and had fun spending it together.

Wig from Build a Bear Workshop

I am grateful for my country and for all those who have died so that I can enjoy the freedoms that I take for granted most of the time.


Becky said...

It was so much fun to have you all there for the weekend! I loved the highlights and Brieanna's rib face! That girl could pack them down like no one else!

Becky said...

P.S. I just noticed--you need to switch our URL on your blog. We changed URL addresses!

wendy said...

Oh those are such CUTE pictures. looks like that was a great memorial weekend my dear family!!

Emma said...

great pictures the baby is so dang cute.