Sunday, June 7, 2009


I have been extremely blesses this spring in acquiring some play equipment for my daycare. A neighbor gave me a little tikes set with slide and fort underneath and I also got a stage two little tikes play set from another friend for free. This is a picture of Kynleigh in the swing. She loves to swing either in my lap on the big swings or in this little swing. She must have been tired because next thing I knew, she was falling asleep.
Kynleigh loves dumping all her toys out of this little basket. She will sit forever with a basket full of toys. Troy thought it would be cute putting her in the basket and she liked it too.
Kynleigh has learned to pull herself up on things. In the bath tub, in her crib etc. I heard her talking to herself after a nap one day and when I went in to get her, she was stuck like this, however she was still way happy with her accomplishment. She has even started to crawl this week, watch out mom, you are in for it!

Tyler Graduated

Tyler Graduated!!!. I don’t know how or where the time went, but I now have a 7th grader.
This year was filled with lots of fun memories for Tyler. He got to go to the Syracuse 6 theater a couple of times to see movies, he took a field trip to the University of Utah for and engineers activity where they made catapults. (Tyler cheated and used his friends catapult that he made at scouts) Almost every week Officer Penrod came to the school for the DARE program to make them aware of the effects of drugs.
Officer Penrod
They did all kinds of fun activities like drive go-karts while wearing drunk goggles and they also had to try to throw a baseball and foot ball with them on. The 6th grade also got to play a kick ball game against all the teaches and they had a 6th grade dance (where they actually HAD to dance with girls) I told Tyler I was going to go and watch, but he said that if I loved him at all, I would just stay home. (I guess I as a mom am too embarrassing)
Then the year ended with the 6th grade graduation. They had all the students to write what they wanted to be doing in 20 years and Tyler said he wants to be a professional soccer player or be a chief in California restaurant with his friend, be married and have a son. (I may not get many grandchildren out of my first born)

Although I tell Tyler that he may not live to see his next birthday, I am so proud of him. Syracuse JH, here comes Tyler the Domanator!
We love you Tyler!!!

Brieanna's 4th grade program

This year Brieanna was in 4th grade and studied Utah history. In their year end program they did a great job demonstrating what they learned. They dressed up in their pioneer clothes they had a lot of fun. They sang songs about the counties of the state, Utah pioneers, the train coming to Utah and this is the place, and many more. The two songs that I liked the best were Utah pioneers and this is the place. I was not raised in Utah, but it made me think how grateful I am to live here and how grateful I am that the pioneers endured all that they did to come and settle such a beautiful place for me to live and raise my family. I think I take for granted the many things that we have so close to home and I was glad for the reminder of how great this beautiful state is and what history it has. (I still need to see half of it though)
Good job Brieanna we are proud of you, you made it through another year.

We love you!!!