Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mud Pies

It is that time of the summer where I can't stand my yard, so every night we have been outside trimming bushes, weeding and all the good stuff that goes with our yard. Tonight it was Tyler's turn to help and he did not complain as he got to handle the electric trimmer. It was going really well until he cut into the electric cord. I could not get mad as I have actually done this in the past. (I think he appreciated not getting in trouble for that one) I decided that it was a sign to go inside as it is really hot these days.
Well Kynleigh did not last too long in the stroller so I put her in the grass. She entertained herself with some flowers for a while (probably eating some of them). Then every time I turned around, she was in my flower beds. (eating more dirt) Putting her in the grass just did not do it for her, she always found herself back in the dirt. I even tried to distract her by giving her some animal crackers but I think she just rubbed them in the dirt and ate them too.
Here is what the final product looked like. The bath was a wonderful thing tonight.

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