Monday, August 3, 2009

Kynleigh is walking!!!

Yes, my little munchkin is walking all over the place. I can't believe it and everyone that sees her, says that she is too little to be walking. I am not sure she can do much more damage than when she was just crawling, just maybe a little faster. (she is a terror, getting into everything).
The first video is of her climbing up the stairs. This started about a month ago and she LOVES to go up the stairs and she is so fast at it.

The second video is of her walking, I just noticed that they both have her in her PJ's and holding the Wii remote. I guess I need to get the video camera out more than just at night.


cally said...

No way! She is so cute.

Becky said...

Look at her cruise! She's a tough little cookie, too!

Emma said...

I love it