Tuesday, July 29, 2008

All is well

It has been awhile since we have posted. Sorry about that....we are finishing the last room in our basement and have been extremely busy with that and our home is a little cluttered to say the least. Everything is going well though and I am also happy to report that Caryn had a Dr. Appointment today and Darby is growing very well. She is right on schedule and this can not make us happier. Our biggest concern when we got pregnant was having to go through having a tiny baby again. So it is great to see my darling wifes stomach just getting bigger and bigger. Maybe Darby will just come out with more rolls than a buffet!


MoMmY k:-) said...

Darby huh? Hmmm......interesting. I sincerely hope your baby is much much cuter than that picture you found:-)And btw...I am soo glad that sister of mine is getting big big big!!!

Becky said...

Glad to hear that the pregnancy is going well. Chunky babies are adorable! So is Darby the decided name or is Troy just be Troy? Either way I'm so excited for this baby!