Monday, December 29, 2008

Brieanna's Choir Concert

At our elementary school if you are in 4th thru 6th grades, you are welcome to join the school choir. Brieanna was extremely excited and immediately signed up. I am not sure where she gets her enthusiasm for singing as Troy and I can't sing if our lives depended on it. Although I always teas that I can't wait till the Resurrection and then I will be able to sing on key because I really do like to sing, it is just that no one around me wants me to sing. She had practice before school a couple times a week and didn't even mind having to get up a little earlier. I would often times catch her directing music from the radio imitating her music teacher. She also practiced non stop at home. She had a CD of songs that she even downloaded onto her iPod and then played on the CD player in the kitchen any chance she could. I am proud of her for really giving it her all. She is a sweet little girl who is quickly growing into a young lady.


Becky said...

I love singing and choir so I'm glad to have Brieanna liking the same stuff. The trick to being good is surely practice, so I bet she's doing great!

wendy said...

Good for her!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell her to try everything (well, that's legal and moral that is.)