Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Caryn and Kynleigh are on a Trip

I want to take a moment and pay tribute (Thanksgiving) to my wonderful wife. She and Kynleigh left for South Carolina on Friday and I have learned more and more each day how much I appreciate her and miss her. Thank goodness they come home tonight!!!! I have compiled a list of things I missed while she and my youngest were gone:

Good meal
Clean house
Help kids with homework
Do Brieannas hairdo
Drive kids to school
Pick kids up from school
Take Brieanna to school early for Choir practice
Take Tyler to school early for Orchestra practice
Take Tyler and all his friends to the skate park
Take Tyler to Scoccer game

But most of all I miss her warm, soft companionship that keeps me even keel and reminds me each day of the marriage covenants we made 14+ years ago.

p.s. I really miss Kynleigh because she is the only member of the family that will watch football with me all day Saturday. She is a bif football fan :)


Becky said...

That was seriously sweet Troy. Rub off on your brother! Maybe I should take off for a week or so and see how he does without my cooking/grocery shopping/cleaning, etc? Kidding, he's actually pretty grateful. Plus, what would I do without him doing a lot of the laundry/setting alarm clock/and helping me whenever I ask?

wendy said...

Nice tribute!!! It is good for all of us to be reminded sometimes of the things we appreciate about each other. (ps, just remember to tell her those things without her having to go on a trip)

Emma said...

cute cute cute that was pretty sweet troy!!! and your family picture is great i can't wait to get one!!!