Sunday, November 30, 2008

Things we are grateful for

I thought that this Thanksgiving season, we would take a few minutes to write down some of the things that we are grateful for. I know that we could never get to all of them, but it is a start of realizing some of the things we do have and enjoy in our lives. I did not help the kids with their lists, I wanted to see what they came up with on their own and I am pretty proud of them. On a side note, theses are not listed in any kind of order.

Freedom, family, home, food, shelter, school, Kynleigh, sports, technology, friends, God, computers, electricity, beds, sun, Holidays, voices, military, USA, hard times, bodies, clothes, world, dogs, animals, hospitals, church,

Freedom, family, home, food, shelter, school, Kynleigh, Jasper, technology, soccer, outdoors, music, friends, sports, cars, Mt Dew, clothes, blankets, pillows, mattresses, hats, snowboarding, parks, religion, Christmas, trees, doctors, guns, knives, camping, tents, fire, beagles, German Sheppard, fire alarms, rooms, stuffed animals, babies, parents, church, young mens, boy scouts, fake trees, air conditioning, heaters, football teams, TV, Hi Def, clean air, couches, hair,

Caryn & Troy
Troy, Caryn, Tyler, Brieanna, Kynleigh, family, Jesus Christ, testimony, revelation, Holy Ghost, home, clothes, chocolate, air conditioner, heaters, sun, snow, doctors, libraries, cars, cell phones, IPods, rainbows, flowers, shoes, eyes, ears, smell of fresh baked bread, computers, smiles from my kids, Troy’s job, insurance, friends, air plains, holidays, TV, TiVo, swimming pools, Lagoon, temples, church callings, freedom, military men & women, President Monson, hot water, Sunday naps, butter, shoes, blogging, disposable diapers, electricity, prayer, scriptures, flushing toilets, Wii, Dr. Pepper, ice cream, fire place, Twilight books, kisses, Wal-Mart, medicine, PJ’s,


wendy said...

Those are certainly some good things to be thankful for!! Some quite interesting ---and not the obvious are Brieanna's VOICES and TECHNOLOGY. (I am still trying to figure out technology, she is like Kip on Napoleon) Then Tyler: your scarring me kid with the knives and guns thing?? And what about beagles and German Shepherds --are you wanting those. Grandma will get you one of each. Caryn, I liked the disposable diapers!!! flusing toilets (good one, imagine if we didn't have them Yuk-o) and Twighlight. You are funny. Good to be grateful!!!!!!!

MoMmY k:-) said...

You are thankful for "wii" the game system?? Hey, I have been e-mailing you but it keeps coming back to me...e-mail me...also I just posted 10 new I can start Germany stuff tomorrow! :-)

Travis & Leslie Doman said...

what is troy thankfull for! well those are all great reasons!! I wish we were all rich though.. love ya