Friday, November 14, 2008


Cute little Spider

This Halloween was a special one for the Doman family. It was Tylers last time going trick or treating (because he turned 12) and it was Kynliegh's first time going trick or treating.

Tyler and his friend James went dressed as some kind of chain saw massacre, Tyler without the chain saw though. Brieanna went dressed as a sick girl which ironically enough that night she was up all night throwing up so it fit the occasion. Kynleigh was dressed as a zebra, the cutest zebra there ever was might I add.

This year it was very mild in the upper 60's during the day and so I was able to actually take Kynleigh out to a couple of houses. Then she sat on the front porch with Troy for a while passing out candy and showing off her cuteness while I went around for a while with Tyler. Brieanna whet with a friend to the mall thinking that she would be back in time to go around our neighborhood as well but did not come home till it was too late so even though she had fun and go lots of candy she was kind-of bummed out.


Becky said...

Cutest little Halloween crew. I'm not going to lie...I trick-or-treated all the way through high school.

wendy said...

OK, I have said this on each post, I WANT COPIES OF THE HALLOWEEN PHOTOS - gotta put them in my halloween dish to put out each year.