Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Alphabet Game

the alphabet game
My mother-in-law was playing this game that she saw on a blog that she saw on a blog and so on. I thought I would give it a try. Her assignment was to do the letter of my first name.
I have to take the letter “C” and come up with 10 things that I am thankful for. If you want to play, pick the letter of your first name and see what you come up with.

1. Cash – This is something that I think we all wish we had more of but I am grateful for the little that I do have

2. Country – I am very grateful for my country and the fact that I can make my own Choices even if they are the wrong ones.

3. Cars – I am so glad that I was born when I was. I would not have made a good pioneer walking everywhere I go (I might be a little thinner though)

4. Cell Phones – Yes I am one of those that can’t live without my cell phone. I am not sure what we did without them a few years ago. (Computers could fit into this category as well.)

5. Cheap Clothes – As many of you know that I am a very cheap person (maybe because the fact that I don’t have much of the previously mentioned cash) but I am grateful for clothes. I could not imagine walking around without any on. (Troy might like that as well as my cleavage)

6. Chocolate / Candy – What would life be like for us women without chocolate (not dark for me). I was spoiled when I was working at Doppelmayr CTEC because I would get the real stuff from Europe so often.

7. Change – I have always enjoyed change, whether it is with church callings, moving (I am over that one) hair styles, moving my furniture around etc. You get the picture. I think change is good for you and good for the soul.

8. Cuddling with my Children – I love my children and don’t know what I would do without any of them and I especially enjoy when they stop for 2 seconds to cuddle with me. Those opportunities are far and few between with Tyler now, maybe that is why we have Kynleigh to make up for him. Brieanna I still have most of the time as well.

9. Clean – I love a clean house. Mine may not be clean all the time but what a satisfying feeling when it is. There are parts, however that I have almost given up on and that is: my laundry room, Brieanna’s room and Tyler’s closet.

10. Christ/Church – Last but probably the most important thing in my life. Christ is the perfect example I turn to when I have no idea what to do in life. What a wonderful feeling to be loved unconditionally and know that He died for ME..

Other words I thought of were Cleaver/creative I am so far from being cleaver or creative, but I love look at the blogs of those that are. Couches are great for cuddling watching TV, laying down, reading books etc. Clinique (that my mom buys me), and clouds that we tried to find shapes and pictures in as kids.


Troy Doman said...

This is great! I love you.

wendy said...

VERY GOOD CARYN--I am thankful for Caryn (C word) Troy should COUNT his blessings he has you.