Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kylneigh 5 months

Okay, I did not write about Kynleigh in the last blog, I think she deserves her very own post. Even though these are pictures I took when she was 5 months, she will now be 6 months next week (shows you how behind I am).
My sweet little angel, there is so much she does that just makes us laugh and smile. Things she is doing: I have to be extra careful now when I make her bottles. She will grab at it and several times I have spilt the sacred mixture (I say sacred just because it costs so darn much so we treat it like it is scared in our household) If she is really hungry, she will have the bottle in her hands and in her mouth before I get to our feeding spot. She is learning to grab at her toys and holds onto them for quite a while now. She loves it when her dad undresses her for her bath. He gets her laughing so hard it drawes everyone in earshot to come and peek. She doesn't like church too much, Troy has a different reason, but mine is that it is in the middle of her good nap time (1-4). I am lucky if I get half of a R.S. lesson. I am always in the hall with her screaming (which she doesn't do very often) Troy has her during sacrament meeting and Sunday school. She is not rolling over yet, but I expect it any day, she is so close. Her stomach muscles are getting strong and she will sit up for a few seconds before she falls over. She loves to be propped up in the recliner in our room with the TV on (She is defiantly Troy's daughter).
Here she is asleep in her favorite chair
When we take her to the store, we now prop her in the shopping cart and she loves to see where she is going and what is going on around her. She loves to dance with you and when you sing to her, she will start to sing with you. She is now pulling her headbands off and is drooling like no other. If I could use her drool for food storage, we would be set for a year.
This is one of her favorite toys to play with on the floor. (Thank you Emma)
Her famous pout (I did not quite get the whole bottom lip poking out though)

1 comment:

Becky said...

Thanks for the Kynleigh update! She has gotten so big and is even more beautiful!