Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Poor Kynleigh gets the hick-ups constantly, almost every time she eats. Sometimes it bothers her more than others but for the most part she deals with it a lot better than I would. I just had to video tape her one night. (This is when she was just a few days old)


Becky said...

Poor Little Thing. She's so cute.

Travis & Leslie Doman said...

So sad but so adorable! we had so much fun at the family party! you are a trooper for doing it all and at your house!!!! thanks, and we absolutely adore the new addition, she will soon be reunited with her cousin (i know they were friends in heaven). love ya LES doman

MoMmY k:-) said...

aww...Hannah got the hick-ups all the time....Hey, you need a new family picture at the top of the blog...missing someone now.:-)

wendy said...

How precious is that - she will love seeing that as she grows up. Looks like her daddy there.