Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The New Brieanna

I feel like I have a new daughter. Here is a picture of Brieanna with her braces off and with her new glasses.

Here is her crazy story tiring to get those darn braces off. She was scheduled to get them off about a month ago and when we went in, the Doctor wanted to keep the top braces on another month. Brieanna handled the disappointment better than I did. I cried (only a little, but I could still blame in on the pregnancy hormones.) They did take the bottom braces off and did an impression for a permanent retainer that she has on her bottom teeth. We went back a few weeks later and they took the top ones off. Brieanna said that it felt great. Those of you who have had braces, it’s that slimy feeling and you can't stop rubbing your tongue on your teeth. They had to do 2 impressions on her upper teeth for her top retainer, not fun and she had a hard time. She picked out a pink and white swirl color with a blue dolphin for her top retainer. When we went in the next day to get the retainer, they forgot the blue dolphin. She was disappointed about that one I might add, but then the Doctor could not get it to fit right so they had to do ANOTHER impression for a new retainer. The new retainer fit great (and they remembered the dolphin, whoa hoo)
About her glasses, Troy has noticed that she was squinting a little when she watched TV and she would put Troy's glasses on and say that she could see better. So one day when we were in Wal-Mart (like we don't live there) I took her into the vision center to check her eyes and sure enough it showed she needed glasses, so off we went to the eye doctor. She mainly has to wear them at school and when she reads or watches TV, but not all the time, so that is nice for her, hopefully they don't get worse like her mom's was (I told her not to count on it) Of course the glasses are pink. She was going to get the Hannah Montana ones but these were cheaper and thank goodness I have a frugal daughter.
I think she looks great with her new look!


Trent said...

I have a very pretty niece! Wow, does that just make everyone feel old?
I am happy for her. There is nothing with being frugal either, so I am proud of her on the small dose of adult reality that she passed with flying colors.

We love you Bre!

wendy said...

She is truly going to be a beauty. She is such a sweety as well --- love her

Jeanne_2008 said...

Hey ya! Tell Brieanna she looks good!

MoMmY k:-) said...

Hmm....with the glasses she looks even more like her Mother:-) Tell her Aunt Laura said Congrats:-)only really cool people get to wear glasses;-)

Becky said...

She's a cutie! I hated getting my impressions at the orthodontist!!! And I love the glasses--I think they're cool.

Ashley said...

Caryn! She looks like you. I can't believe she is so grown up. How long did she have her braces? Zoe still doesn't have both of her front teeth and they are only 6 months apart. She's a pretty One! Love the pink glasses.