Monday, September 8, 2008

Kynleigh Porter Doman

Our addition to the family

Okay, I have been chewed out enough by all of our family for not doing this sooner and I am sorry for tourchering you all this long. Hopefully it will be worth the wait.

Like Troy said Kynleigh was born on September 4th (yet another September birthday for our family) Here is my story...Wednesday I had a busy day planed, went to the new school for a couple of hours to help the teachers get their rooms ready for back to school night on Thursday then came home to start watching 2 little daycare kids at 11:00. The day went pretty good, but I felt different most of the day almost like Kynleigh was dropping or something like that. I have had lots of braxton Hixs so having those pains was not out of the ordinary, never really timed them as I was still really early. When the kid's dad came at 5:00 to pick up the daycare kids I went and laid down as I was pretty tired (again, nothing new these days) As soon as I laid down I noticed that the pains were 5 mins. apart even when I changed positions or got up and walked around. finally at 7:00 I called the hospital to see when I would know if they were real or go to the hospital. She said to drink 32oz of water, take a Tylenol and a warm bath, if they were still regular I needed to go to the hospital. I sent Troy to scouts and low and below they did not go away. Troy went to bed to try to get a few hours of sleep (still had to do the paper route). At 11:00 pm the contractions were 3 min apart and I had the shakes so bad. I was scared to have the baby in the car. P.S. the day before at my appointment, I was dilated to a 2. Woke Troy and took Tyler and Brieanna to a friends house and journeyed to the hospital. My hormones that Troy is loving by now were crazy. I couldn't stop crying, so many different emotions were going through me. Some were fear to actually now have to go through labor because I knew the pain would only get worse. I kept telling Troy I don't think I can do it, the good man that he is kept reassuring me that I would do just fine. :) Some were shock that it was really happening, having a baby and starting over after 10 years. Some was I'm sure stress because I had a whole list of things that I wanted to do BEFORE I had the baby and none of it was done. I also had not done anything to prepare for this day as I thought I had plenty of time, no bag packed, no babysitter lined up etc. It was like I was back in school cramming for a final, reading my pregnancy book while Troy slept trying to figure out what I needed to take and do at this point. Okay back to our drive to the hospital... I thought I was going to die on every bump that we hit, it was kind of comical I am sure if you were watching from the outside.

In the labor and delivery room I was checked and STILL at a 2. I cried again because it felt like the last 6 hours in labor were for nothing. The nurse called my Dr. and he said he would see me in the morning. So at this time we were not sure if he would go ahead and take the baby or try to stop the labor. They did give me a local pain shot and that helped me relax a little. I think the longer I went without sleep the worse it got (I so love my sleep) When the Dr. came in in around 7:00 or 8:00 (can't remember details at this point) I was only at a 2 maybe a 3, cried some more. That is like 14 hours of active labor and not any closer to having her. Oh yeah, the shakes I had is because I had a fever of 101.6 when I got there. Threw up quite a bit during the night and the wicked nurse I had would not give me a blanket, only a thin sheet. Her theory was she needed me to cool off and not get warmer. I didn't care, I was freezing and thought I was going to shake to death. Meanwhile the Dr. started me on the pit and I got an epidural about an hour later. Might I say that this was my first and I cried because I felt like a failure having to have one, but I did not want to feel anything else that was coming, I had felt enough. Oh was it the best think under the sun, felt a little weird having my feet and legs be numb, but actually being able to rest a little and not feel the contractions that were going off the screen was so nice. I did ask myself why I had not had one of these before. Things went good after that, like Troy said, she was born at 11:59 a.m. The NICU nurse was there and would not let me hold her at first or even try to breastfeed her because she needed to do an assessment on her. I did get to hold her for a couple of minutes before they took her to the NICU were she stayed for only about 4 hours and was released to the regular nursery.

On a sid note, Troy can't seem to stop holding her and then you have Tyler and Brieanna who always want to help feed her and hold her. They are such big helpers. I will miss their help when they go to school and work, but I will also enjoy holding her more.

We have been so blessed with this little angel sent from Heaven. She is so healthy and strong and A good eater, even though she won't breastfeed (I told Troy she gets her stubbornness from his side of the family:)). When I got pregnant I asked for a priesthood blessing so that the pregnancy would be a good one and she would be healthy and strong. (especially since we did not have insurance at the beginning and my track record with having little babies) Troy fasted almost every month and many prayers were giving on the subject. I am so grateful for the principal of faith and I know that miracles do happen. Looking at this little girl I don't know how anyone could say that there is no God.

I am sorry this is so long, but it is more for my journal than anything else. We love you all and appreciate all the love, prayers and support you have given our little family.


Becky said...

I'm so glad you posted this! She is beautiful. And I'm glad to hear she's home and healthy. You look amazing by the way!

Sorry Trent and I haven't been up yet. Trent's been battling a nasty flu-bug and we've both been crazy with school/work. But we can't wait to meet her!

Jeanne_2008 said...

She is beautiful Caryn :)
I am glad that everything went so well! As much as I like being pregnant, it was such a relief when I had Amber and knew that I didn't have to do that again!!
Love you and I hope I see you soon!

wendy said...

That's my granddaughter - - beautiful as ever. Such a great family.

MoMmY k:-) said...

Caryn:-) Dont worry about being long winded:-) It was good to get all the details! My question is....did Troy leave you at the hospital to go and deliver the papers?? I hadn't thought about that before...hmm?
I can't wait to hold Miss Kynleigh!

Becky said...

I just have to add...I love how Troy is pulling Brieanna's ear in the family picture. Such a Doman!

corrie said...

So great. She is georgeous and Brieanna and Tyler look so proud! I'm glad everything went okay and hope you are recovering quickly.
Love you!