Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Holly Molly Have Some Craziness!!!

Okay, I think of myself as a somewhat organized person. I feel like I spend too much time in my life trying to figure out how to be more organized or make life easier. I think sometimes I make it harder though. Everything should have a place and then be in that place. I can go a while with things out of order, but then ask my kids and husband I will basically snap and things must be fixed then. Sssoooo having this baby has changed everything. I looked around my family room and kitchen last night and just shook my head. I did not take a picture, but please try to imagine as most of you have had babies so you have probably been in the same boat.
Imagine, diapers on the floor, pack on the counter, newspapers in a pile, coupons on the table along with papers from the kids school, bottles everywhere, pumping machine and parts, blankets, diaper bags, baby bouncer, burp cloths, baby clothes, dishes from wonderful neighbors that needs to be returned, mail from back when I had the baby, baby hair bands, and other baby things, binkies, clothes basket, thank you cards to write etc.. I may not have mentioned everything, but maybe with a little imagination, you can get an idea what my house has turned into. I could think of little but this mess and craziness as I went to sleep last night (which I don’t get a lot of these days).
After sleeping in with the kids this morning and after getting them to school, I did get it all cleaned up and organized as much as I can at this point. There is just so much stuff that a new little baby needs and you need to have quick access to. I just need to find a happy medium and be happy with it.
Any organizing secrets you have learned over the year I would be glad to hear them.


Becky said...

I'm not surprised that the disorganization started getting to you, but I can't believe you didn't at least take a full week off after having a baby!

I'm totally the same way, I'll go a couple of days and watch our apartment get nasty, then I SNAP and we'll spend all afternoon cleaning it.

wendy said...

Put Tyler and Brie to work and make them clean up after themselves - I guess I should include Troy in that as well eh.(tee,hee) Don't wear yourself out right now, just a little each day and as you feel stronger it will get better. As the saying goes - a place for everything and everything in it's place-- who the hell said that??

Trent said...

My secret is that I stuff everything in a dark scary room where I know Becky will never go because of possible spiders. I then know that it is out of sight and out of mind, but when the time comes to need it and get it, I know right where it is. Plus Becky will never know because... well she'll never see it.
I love my wife :)

MoMmY k:-) said...

Well, we are definitely related! :-) I have end tables that will hold big bucket things..one of those holds diapers. I have a basket in the liv. room for the toys. SO, I would suggest making a basket baby central. Put anything you might need in it and have a seperate one for diapers...cause girl you will probably need those a LOT;-) Good luck! It is always an adjustment to add a child to the clan....dont worry too much...it will work it self out! I love you